The Universe Listens To Brave
“She was never quite ready. But she was brave— and the universe listens to brave” - Dr. Rebecca Ray
Hello everyone,
Long time no see! (My favorite phrase apparently). I am so glad to be back to writing this blog. It feels like it has been quite a while since I have written. I am trying something new in the spirit of the new year by adding a quote before the blog. I love this quote, so much, and I am taking it with me on this new year. Feel free to replace the universe with whatever fits. I personalized the quote to myself saying “She never quite felt ready but she was brave, and God listens to brave.”
This idea of courage and bravery is something I want to take with me in every situation that I am confronted with. Like many people around the world, I took time at the beginning of this year to make a prayer board and write down my visions and goals for the year. In the spirit of dreaming big, I set big goals, such as getting/receiving a car, sharing my faith with others, and experimenting with creativity in the kitchen. I also have several writing goals that are larger than what I seem capable of at the moment. Last year, I found myself struggling a lot with writing. I felt struck by this immense sense of fear—particularly of failure. I wrote 3 books in a very short time, a few years ago. I was on a creative high. Everything sparked inspiration. Every place was bubbling with the expectation of what could be. Every empty page called to me, of the worlds I could create, of the language I could master. I was thriving creatively.
After funding my last book “Birthing A Resistance” by myself, and two years of a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. The outcome in sales and feedback was not what I expected or wanted. I love BAR II, and I think it’s an amazing book. In my very young and naive mind, it made sense that a good book would get good sales, and obviously, that is far from real life. To be completely honest, I think this snuffed a lot of my fire for writing. It felt like I was writing and people were not reading, which was heavily discouraging. Somewhere along the way, I started believing the lack of readers was due to my lack of ability to write well. As a scientist, I should know that correlation does equal causation or something like that. That’s definitely not how you use that phrase haha. What I am trying to say is that I lost so much time in belief in my inability to write. Even if that was true, that time could have been used to better my “bad” writing.
This year, I want to take that concept of bravery and apply it to every part of my life, but especially in writing. To write despite fear, despite when I feel ready. To jump out into life with bravery, and allow God to honor that. I encourage all 2 of you reading this (hi Mom and Dad), to fully embrace this concept. To embrace dreaming big, and doing big and scary things or even small and scary things in life with bravery, and trust me God will listen to courage and bravery. He will listen and honor those daring enough to believe and do, despite all the odds.