On Helping Women and Children

The learning gap has continued to widen over the past few months. Kids are struggling to stay afloat academically, mentally, and perhaps even physically. Parents are struggling to provide in the midst of a pandemic.

if you know my mom and I we are wildly different yet deadly similar. She is dream it, pray for it, and wait. I am dream it, and pray while i execute it right away. Her seemingly inaction and my overreaction has been a cause of contention for us and probably will always be but thank God we have come to an equilibrium. We are the same in this: our passion for the bettering the lives of women and children. She leans more towards educating women and children. I lean towards providing and equipping them with resources and uplifting not only their physical needs but their mental needs. Our heart have been gripped with heartbreak as we have seen women and children all around us struggling to keep in NTI and jobs and everything else. This is a not just a JCPS issue or a state issue. It's not even a national issue. This is global. This is happening everywhere the statistics are staggering and heartbreaking. Kenya closed schools for a year and as a result child pregnancies rose! So, of course after the above headlines came out my mom and I finally decided to launch this- an initiative. We want to provide a space to provide resources for children! Please do not hesitate to contribute! To all those who contribute I want to thank you in advance! You are much appreciated

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