On Writing A Sequel To My First Book

I wrote my first book when I was 13. I have said this a thousand times before but, It was a really big leap of faith, and I didn’t actually think, it would get anywhere. During the process of writing the book, I was introduced to so many aspects that come into book-making. I made so many mistakes, and I learned so much. Though my first book is not my best work, I am extremely proud of it. I remember the sacrifice, the thought, the intentionality, the purpose, that drove me, and every decision I made during the process of finishing it up.

I am currently writing the sequel to my first book, Becoming A Revolution. [And] for some reason, I thought it would be a lot easier than it actually has been. I guess I thought that it would be easier the second time around since I knew a lot more. I have spent hours trying to make this book “perfect.” Writing the poetry and prose is the easiest part of putting together a book. It’s what comes after that results in lots of frustration, tears, and anger. The added pressure and feeling of people waiting and expecting something from you adds to the stress of trying to put together a project like a book. Although the process has been incredibly time-consuming and stressful, I couldn’t help but reflect on my first book. I am so grateful that I wrote it. The lessons I learned, the abhorrent mistakes I made continue to reap benefits today. Seeing, as this is a sequel, I always have the first book right next to me and constantly refer to it which in turn leads to lots of reflection. My journey has been largely similar yet so different.

I wrote this book in middle school, at 13, and I was wounded, hurting, starting a journey of healing. Poetry was my voice, the book was my passion, my everything. I dedicated every waking moment to it. It was my everything. I was eager to start it and eager to finish it. Because, the end of the book meant a possible success, and I was utterly naive at the journey ahead. I thought it would play out like a fairytale. It didn’t. Fast forward to now, I am still an optimist but reality has seeped into my lenses.

I was reluctant to start this book and am reluctant to finish it. I have always been told that I would walk through the journey of my book before ever giving it to the world. And I have definitely lived up to *inserts title of book 2* I was so reluctant to start writing again because of all the expectations but, I am so reluctant to finish it because this journey has changed me. I started writing this book thinking I was whole, and have since then realized I am not. I have realized that I will never be all the way “whole” but, will always be a being constantly being refined and perfected by the Creator.

Through, all these realizations, one thing has weighed heavily on my heart.

“This happened because of ‘Becoming A Revolution.”

If I hadn’t been obedient, and taken that leap of faith. I wouldn’t be here- writing this - heck even writing! Becoming A Revolution, not only taught me the beauty of long journeys and the art of making a book, but it brought me community and incredible people. It strengthened and renewed my ability to dream big. So, yes, Becoming A Revolution may not be my best work, but I will forever be proud of my baby.

In honor of little things catapulting us into our destiny, I often tell the funny story of how I became a poet. It often goes something like this: It started with me asking my 5th-grade teacher, Mrs. Whitenack, shoutout to Mrs. Whitenack! if poetry had to rhyme and she replied no and boom the rest is history. But, I want to talk about the 3rd poem I wrote. It was the happiest of the first three and it just so happened, to be a poem dedicated to my upcoming 5th grade. Long story short, my friend managed to get it in front of my principal, a bunch of steps happened in between, but in the end, I ended up performing my 3rd ever poem at my 5th grade graduation. I don’t think, I would have kept writing or performing my poetry if that event hadn’t occurred. This was actually what sparked my love for spoken word which would eventually lead to the launch of my youtube channel and songwriting/singing interest.

For more on the poetry & graduation story: In the Year We Lost Everything!

Also, absolutely be on the lookout for more information about B.A.R. II.

Until, next time! :)

Believe Chakenya

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