On Processes and Revolutions


all journeys make us. all breaking will heal us...

alright. I was trying to figure out how to end this "about me" series and was pretty stumped till the italicized part popped in my head.

so i opened canva and wrote it down. God likes to teach me, heal me, reveal to me in journeys. and processes. and wandering that takes a long amount of time. it's often frustrating to watch others encounter immediate and spontaneous healing. deliverance. etc
i often feel left behind and forgotten. so of course me being the stubborn person that i am.

"God i know we talked about this but i just don't understand why i can't be healed as quickly as ______ got healed. it's not fair"

and God in all His patience "I made you differently. your story is not hers. your journey is not hers. you learn differently"

i said all that to say one thing i struggle with comparison. comparison is most definitely the thief of joy. trust me i know-i've allowed it to pluck joy out of my eyes and content out of my heart as my mind spun through a laundry list of ways i didnt compare to ______ or ______

so let this be a not to myself and to all of you:

stop comparing yourself
stop allowing the enemy to rip away your joy
you are more than who the world says you are. you are more than what your minds says you are. you are unique. fearfully and wonderfully made. knit together by the Creator of the Universe. read Psalms 139. He knows you and He loves you. He is captured by you. His eyes have never left you. you are marvelous.
in the moments where you feel you are starting to play the comparison game

5 Steps To Remember
stop Immediately. cut it off at the root. cut if off at the thought. take every thought captive!!!


remind yourself you are enough. you are unique. God made you. you are special.

appreciate what God is doing in someone's life. congratulate them. be genuine and honest. be thankful for the blessing over their life.

take a step back if you need to. read psalms 139. jer 29:11. jer 1.
listen to my poem 'letters from my beloved"

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