On Racial Issues

For those of you who don’t know, I am black and I’m proud. I am African so the hardships that I and my ancestors have faced are not the same as those of African-Americans. They are however similar. I’m not going to compare pains and hardships-because this is not the time and place. One thing however that is a unified experience whether you are a black African, African-American, Caribbean, or Afro-Latino is racism; racism is a unified experience. Ranging from microaggressions to hate crimes-it happens daily in the lives of black people.

Over the past weeks we have seen a lot of things occuring. The murder of 3 black people; Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have shook this nation and the world. Many people’s eyes have been opened to the evil that has been at work. As a poet, I was called to pick up my pen and write hope in the midst of all this hurt. Bring light in the midst of all the darkness. As a Christian, I was called to love and forgive-called to lay all my hurt at the feet of Jesus. And as a black person, I was grieved. I couldn’t find it in me to write (as the poet) or to love (as the Christian.) I was so hurt and so angry. It took me days to find the strength to talk about it. I was broken by all that had been going on, angered that people were just now taking notice, and disgusted at the fact that these murders kept happening. But thank God for Jesus. In those moments I was surrounded by a love-an understanding- a peace that didn’t make sense. I could see the fingerprints of God in the videos that were recommended to me. Videos such as “Racial Reconciliation” by Pastor Mike Todd and “ Pastor is Asked Why It Took Him a Week to Respond to George Floyd.” Videos that showed vital conversations that needed to happen-that I needed to see happen and they gave me hope.

On June 6, 2020 I sat and opened my writing journal to a new page. Titled it “On Blackness” and poured out my heart from 5:31 pm to 7:56 pm. Below are a few entries.

During this time, let us take the time to extend compassion and grace and love first to those who are grieving-not criticism- not cynicism-compassion. Let us educate ourselves on the issues of racial injustice, systematic racism, black culture and accomplishments, and so much more. But most importantly- in the words of Terrian let us “let Love lead.”

So, Where were you on Monday?

click image to enlarge

Racial Reconciliation // Relationship Goals Reloaded (Part 6) (Michael Todd)

Personal Reflection on Race from KB

You don’t have to agree with everything said-just gain a new perspective. These were amazing and open conversations that I enjoyed and there are so many more amazing conversations being held right now. I don’t have to agree with everything said and I don’t but I have to be willing to listen. I challenge you today to be willing to listen. Thank you.