Journey to the Revolution-Part 3: Who

Hi all!

It’s been so long…I have been so caught up in life, school, homework, and everything under the sun and moon but it’s summer time. In other words I am back. In the next few weeks I will be finishing up my journey to the revolution series-a closing of a chapter. I will also be posting more short stories and prose and a little bit more about me. Let me know if there is any topics you want me to explore in the comments below or contact (by clicking the contact button at the bottom of the page.) Also, share with your friends and family! If you haven’t already-buy your copy of ‘becoming a revolution’ today.

Today we discuss the who. Who made this whole book-this whole project possible?

Well first and foremost Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

They have given me the words, the passion, and the determination to pursue this dream.

After that my mother, she is the one who gave me the initial push to start writing this book.

Lastly, the team who made it all happen!

I like to think of them as my “revolutionary team”

Mr. and Mrs. Tina and Ken Lolla: No words could describe the amount of time and effort they put into this. they invested and believed in me fully even when all I had was a book put together with a asel-publishing kit and eyes full of dreams. Not a penny to my name- but all the hope and crazy faith in me. They committed to the dream and never looked back-never doubted-never stopped encouraging me.

Mrs. Megan Lasalla: Wow! I am always in awe when I think of all she has done. How she so perfectly managed to put all my jumbled up explanations, “umms and uhhs”, and “does that make sense? and you know what I mean?” and turn them into beautiful illustrations that convey the emotion and depth of the poem and enhanced it. Thank you for your patience through the revisions, and the hours of phone calls, through the mistakes and mishaps, and confusion.

Mr. Robert Riggs: Your kindness floored me! I came in a hopeful teen expecting you to look at me and call me crazy. After all I was only 14. But in one meeting you changed my life- the dream didn’t seem so far away. Over the months your unending kindness, your vehemence to help, your grace and your sacrifice towards me floored me. I know I’ve used that word already but it is truly the only word to describe it. In your eyes, I saw the love and passion of God and through your actions I felt the hand of God-the seal of approval from heaven so to speak. Forever I am grateful.

Pastor Bob Rogers for allowing me to sell my first copies at church. For Pastor Jason and Dondra Sherill for your encouragement, your prophecies, and your unfailing love. For Pedro for telling everyone within a mile radius about my book. For Kristiana, for being the one to push me out of my comfort zone to talk about my book. For Mrs. Whitenack the one who started it all and got me into poetry. And so many more-all my friends-all my family-all the people that helped me to get where I am today. Thank you. Through this journey I have learned that it is impossible to do things alone. It takes a team-It takes sacrifice not just from you but from many people. It takes a strong support system. Find your dream, surround yourself with people who will believe in you and push you to great heights. Pursue it-run after it with all you heart. Remember you are the revolution.